Hall of Fame: Rules
Raid & Dungeon Speed Clears
- No cheese or glitch strategies, i.e., no Joining Allies, out of bounds, orb duping, or skipping main fight mechanics. No joining allies includes pulling fireteam members between encounters to skip any sections (including jumping puzzles), all fireteam members must make it to the next encounter before starting.
- Middle tree Sunbreaker’s throwing hammer DPS strategy is not allowed. You can use the subclass, so long as you do not use the hammer’s ricochet bounce strat for DPS.
Raid Speed Clear Specific Rules
Last Wish
- No one-plate Anarchy strat for Kali.
- No blocking to pick up more than two Taken Strengths at Morgeth or Queenswalk.
- No joining allies or one-flooring Riven on the bottom floor. You must make it back up to the starting room at least once to kill Riven.
- No finishers to stay outside the heart in Queenswalk.
Garden of Salvation
- No using Anarchy to trap Consecrated Mind at the DPS start location.
- No using glitch locations to respawn adds on the islands during Sanctified mind.
Deep Stone Crypt
- No out of bounds strategies.
- Scanning must be done from the top floor of Crypt Security outside of DPS. If you do not one-phase, scanner must be returned to top side to complete scans for second phase.
- Scanner must also be passed between the light and dark sides to complete the scan for their respective areas.
- No killing the captain at Atraks-1. You must complete the encounter by killing the correct copies.
- You must pick up and use all three augments for Descent.
- Two core strat for Taniks is allowed, but four core is faster, so why would you?
Vault of Glass
- Praetorians at Gatekeeper must be killed using the relic. You cannot push them off the edge.
- Intentionally avoiding being teleported during Atheon is not allowed, whether through suicide or glitches like diamond lance or finishers.
Raid & Dungeon Low Man Clears
- Cheese and glitch strategies are allowed on encounters for low man clears, as they may be required to advance to/clear encounters.
Dungeon Speed Clear Specific Rules
No use of any cheese strategies that allow you to bypass sections or mechanics of any dungeon.
- Encounters must be reached and completed as designed.
- All previously mentioned rules apply.
Fireteam Qualification & Submission Requirements
- Fireteams must contain a simple majority of current clan members (4/6, 2/3, etc.)
- All fireteam members must be active Discord members for a minimum of one week for the run to qualify.
Upon completion of a run, the fireteam must submit the following to DiscoNinja for verification. (Results will be verified and uploaded within one week).
- Raid Report Link
- Link to a recording of the entire unedited run (Twitch VoD or Youtube)
- Screenshot of each member of the fireteam taken from the Appearance Customization screen (the one that shows all ornaments & shaders).
PVP Hall of Fame Rules
- To be announced