Witty Has Returned
After running into some technical difficulties last week, Witty has returned. @Saint Kabr did an admirable job but I think we should just let him stick to his podcast. We have a lot (seriously A LOT) of stuff to share, and just like Bungie it is going to be drip-fed slowly over the next 4 weeks before Witch Queen.
In-game Stuff
Sepiks Prime is up for Nightfalls and GM, with some Plug One and Uzume RR4 weapons to snag. You can earn bonus Gambit ranks for the final time this season if you’re still chasing resets, ornaments or the Dredgen seal. This is also likely the last week of Scorched for the season. Templar challenge in VoG this week so it's a great time to get a Timelost Fatebringer which can be fantastic in PvE endgame going forward.
Witch Queen is almost here so over the next few weeks you’re going to see some big changes that we’ve been working on for this clan and discord.
We got a Day 1 Raid date for Witch Queen, March 5th. Day 1 races are a very cool and unique thing we can partake in. To assist people in finding teams or teammates, we’ve created this Form and Spreadsheet. Using the form you can specify your desired role (team leader, participant, or backup/spotter) and your expectations, and use the information from the spreadsheet to create a team or find teammates. Day 1 raids are no joke, but the experience is second-to-none!
Clan Business
Introducing the #creations channel - a place for art, videos, and whatever else our members can create. To start, we are looking for some clips for an upcoming montage, down the road we will reveal what that montage is for. Show us your best (or worst) clips in the #creations channel, tag your uploads with the word montage, and limit to about 1 min of clips per person for this. Otherwise, post to your heart's content
It needed a few extra days, but our 2022 Raid Race finished last week. The winning team of @Oblivion , @LoboStele , @InIt4TheSprtBlm , @Slothy , @Billy Bo Baggins , and @In bed by 9#6194 completed all 4 raids under the set parameters and rules in a total time of 2hr13min52sec! Every team finished the 4 raids under 2hr35min so we had a real close race all-around. We look forward to doing more stuff like this in the future when we have some downtime without new content
The #memes channel has been a source of fun and laughs but sometimes an individual’s definition of ‘funny’ crosses into an unacceptable territory for us. To prevent these issues further, #destiny-memes will be rebranded to be destiny stuff for now
With a new DLC means it is time for a new Clan Roster!!…..wait…..is it really redacted? Well, it will be, until YOU decide on our next roster name. We’ve run naming contests to decide @Shattered Truth and @Veiled Truth so we will continue this tradition for our next roster. The rules are simple - 1 submission per person in the #name_contest channel, and you can vote on as many as you like with the emote. Next week’s TWAT will narrow the choices down to a top 3, and reaction voting on the TWAT will determine the winner
While we don’t have a name yet - you can check out the new color scheme, logo and banner for some inspiration - huge shoutout to @Dice for continuing to provide us with this stuff every time we expand!
After today’s reset we have 4 weeks left - the season has to wrap up somehow so keep those eyes peeled and those secrets in the right channels. Pick the best name for our new clan (or don’t) and keep an eye out for even more discord stuff next week.