This Week At Olympic Space Magic Ceremony Time
-This Week At Truth, we break the ice (godammit Jack) by talking about hockey. I mean come on, the NHL First Round playoffs have been amazing. The Panthers and Kraken both take out the best regular season team in the Bruins and the defending champion Avs in Game 7s, Devils rebound from 0-2 to win a series against the local rival Rangers, The Maple Leafs win their first playoff series in 20 years (I thought hockey was Canada's thing?). The Stars win their series (but really only Soulja Bear cares about that). In the rest of this TWAT we will preview all of the Round 2 matchups and....what's that? My producers tell me to stop talking about hockey and move on.....alright fine time to talk about Destiny again.
-The annual Hunter v. Warlock v. Titan competition returns with the same basic goal: acquire and bank more medals on a particular class than the other two classes do. Medals are earned from various activities, and this time around we also get the return of the Supremacy PvP mode (not the Sniper Rifle, although that's a good Supremacy too) for Guardian Games competition as well. You can earn the Title SMG (with updated perk pool), the new Taraxippos strand Scout Rifle, as well as complete the Reveler seal. All details can be read here before reset if you need to. In Discord, we have 3 pingable roles you can assign for each class, these can be used to find someone willing to run specific activities (like teaming up for class-based Supremacy or high-tier medals) with other people on the same class. You can find those roles in the #role_assign channel.
-This week also brings Arms Dealer Nightfall and GM, and Militia's Birthright as the weapon of choice. Rift and Supremacy rotate in to the Crucible. This weekend will see Bonus Trials Ranks (on Disjunction....probably.....). The rotator raid is Vault of Glass and the Dungeon is Pit of Heresy.
-Downtime before reset with a patch and Guardian Games beginning, so RIP your checkpoints.
-With the season winding down, we can focus our attention on Guardian Games and what's to come in Season of the Deep. Make sure you are having fun and if not, take some time for yourself, dabble into other games or even touch some grass as Spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere. Stay classy, Guardians!