This Week At Michael Jordan
-This Week At Truth, Season 23 begins! We are hoping for a banger Season of the Wish a la MJ in the Finals (okay that's a stretch, but at least we're hoping for better than "MJ with the Wizards"). We've got a big update, lots of changes coming, new seasonal content to look forward to, and much more!
-Downtime and a patch today to bring that new update. New seasonal trailer at 10AM ET can be watched here. Last week's TWABiest TWID to date covered some of the changes with the new season, including ability changes, nerfs, exotic armor changes and more. The full patch notes will be posted when the patch goes live but you can check out that link to in case you missed it. We know you have some feelings about some changes, but it's always a good idea to keep in mind that what it says on paper and how it plays in-game can be very different.
-Yesterday, Joe Blackburn dropped an update video you can watch here but here's the highlights: Season of the Witch starts today and most of the story will be completed by February. With the news that The Final Shape is officially delayed until June 4th, we also know we have Moments of Triumph and "Wishes" in February, revamped Guardian Games in March, and "Into the Light" in April and May to fill the extra time until then. More details on what those entail later this season.
- Our first Nightfall of the new season is PsiOps Battlegrounds: Cosmodrome. We'll have a Nightfall loot rotation once the season gets into a rhythm for you. You'll also be able to see all 6 Nightfalls in the Conqueror Seal once the new season goes live. Checkmate Control, Rift, and Elimination will all be Crucible rotators this week (Crucible playlist changes were highlighted in this 11/9 TWID). Trio rotators are Last Wish raid, Duality dungeon, and Seraph Shield exotic mission.
-Fireteam Finder stress test on Thursday! If you are interested in trying out the new feature, there will be a raid stress test on Thursday from 9AM-5PM PT. We are all very curious as to how the fireteam finder will work, and hope that it acts as another way to connect our community with more individuals!
-New season means new content and channel name #season-of -dragon-tales! As we do most seasons, anything dealing with story beats, missions, or "what-to-do" in seasonal activities needs to go in the seasonal channel, this includes secrets, mechanics, lore, cutscenes and anything in between. This also includes the new dungeon, Warlord's Ruin until further notice. This is our way of protecting people from spoilers until they have a chance to play the content. If anything is datamined from the patch that information can only be shared in #leaks-datamines-spoilers. Happy wishing, Guardians. Cheers!