This Week At Meaty Sandbox News

-This Week At Truth, we got a pretty good sense of what's coming with the sandbox update in a few weeks thanks to a 6,000+ word TWID. This week's TWAT will not be nearly as meaty, largely because I'm typing this while preparing for a full day of "team-building" PD at work so I won't have any breaks to pump this out. 

-Free Bioware items to claim, and if you're chasing the Felis Galaxias emblem post some stuff to socials with #NormandyCrew

-Lunar New Year Emblem THR-33A-YKC 

-Humble Bundle Destiny 2 sale goes through 2/27, get all the DLC packs and the current Annual Pass for $40 (Steam only).  

-It's a Warden's Law week as the PsiOps Battleground: Cosmodrome is the Nightfall and GM. It's a Sparrow Control week! Alongside this game mode will be Rift and Elimination. The trio activities are King's Fall raid, Grasp of Avarice dungeon, and Seraph Shield exotic mission. Bonus ranks in all game modes all week!

-That's the quick one for today. Riven's Wishes still a thing, Moments of Triumph still ongoing, Guardian Games coming up in March. Happy Reset Tuesday. Cheers!
