This Week At I'm Over The Cold
-This Week At Truth, shoveling snow and below zero temperatures made it feel like I was running around Europa and not New Jersey, but alas we deal with the weather the same way we deal with content droughts - by waiting it out, and with these final two weeks of Revenant leading into Episode: Heresy we've got some stuff to get into for your final few weeks and some information to sink your teeth into as we look ahead to Heresy
-Past Is Prologue begins today, visit Drifter to pick up quests that you can complete to earn Bento Tokens in order to grab some loot including Alloys and Shards, Mementos, and even some static rolls on sweet weapons. You can only earn 8 through this event so spend wisely. If you played Riven's Wishes the flow will be similar to that. Once you turn in 5 tokens you'll also get the Chatterwhite shader in its glorious all-white return. Iron Banner week 2 also wraps up this week for those needing to do things in game for that.
-Game2Give annual Bungie Foundation fundraiser also begins this week. You can read the full preview article here, but donations made through campaigns will not only benefit some great causes, but also give you a chance to earn some in-game items as well. Returning emblems, new emblem/shader/sparrow combination, and new lifetime donation emblems as well. Donations kick off Thursday!
-Last week's TWID showcased a few things coming to Heresy, beginning with a new arc verb: Bolt Charge, which releases an arc bolt on ability use after generating 10 stacks. We also saw 3 new aspects coming in Heresy, one for each class. There was also a preview of the class ability tuning updates coming in Heresy so you can read through all of that to see what's coming if you haven't.
-We got new dungeon details! Sundered Doctrine arrives Feb 7th. Pyramid ship dungeon hype! There will be a contest mode and dungeon race once again, and the regular-level dungeon will open up upon first completion by a team that day. However completing contest mode will give you a special emblem and guaranteed exotic weapon drop from it.
-Later this week we will also be getting some more updates related to Trials and the experience in Crucible, so stay tuned for that. Otherwise stay warm and locked in on those Bento Tokens! Cheers!