This Week At I LOVE GOLD

-This Week At Truth, we are getting our gold on. We've got updates on the weekly changes, some new Iron Banner erupting, and a new product in our Clan Truth store that's tied to a charity drive! 

-Guardians around the globe are "going gold" for the month of September in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. You can view the original post below that started the movement, and this community has jumped into the "going gold" theme.



-We at Clan Truth wanted to find a way to not only get into the spirit of the month but also find a way to support this financially. As many of you know, St Jude is a wonderful charity I raise money for during Play Live every May (we will have the whole Clan involved next time as well). September being Childhood Cancer Awareness month, we have a new item in the Clan Truth store which we will be donating any profits from this month towards St Jude - MOUSEPADS! Peep the new items below and the link here to purchase (mousepad is $20 and gaming pad is $35). Shipping prices are out of our control unfortunately, but rest assured the profits are going to a good cause. We have a chunk of money already set aside from the store's sales as well and anything else raised this month from the mousepads will also be added into that total donation. Your continued support of the Clan and the kids of St. Jude is well-appreciated.

-To help start the hype of the month and new items, we'll be running a Go for Gold fashion contest! Here are the contest rules: 

From Sept 6th - Sept 20th at reset, post your Guardian's Gold outfit in #rate-my-drip with the phrase #GoForGold. On Sept 20th, we will take all the entries and add them to our #dresstiny_contest channel (you won't see this channel until the 20th) and members will vote by using a specific emoji. The gold drip with the most votes will win their choice of mousepad! Winner will be announced in the Sept. 27th TWAT.  Max 1 entry per person so choose your best fit to be counted! If you'd like to go ahead and purchase one in the meantime to support the cause go for it! The items are live on the store now! The mousepads will be a permanent item as well so you can grab them at any time. 

-We have our first Iron Banner of the new season starting today with a brand new mode: Eruption! If you've forgotten what the mode entails you can refer here to the Aug. 4th TWAB that outlines the chaos. The Allied Demand sidearm and Roar of the Bear Rocket Launcher are back this season as the Iron Banner weapons to earn. Momentum Control also rolls around this week as the rotating playlist, enjoy bonus Crucible ranks all week as well. Fallen SABER is the Nigthfall this week, and the rotating Pinnacle comes from Deep Stone Crypt and Prophecy final boss encounters

-As you've seen, last week the Charlemagne bot moved to slash commands due to changes made on Discord's end. This means there is no more !lfg create command for scheduling events and it is now /event create. As more information comes from the good folks that run the bot we will update the tooltip in #lfg_event_schedule. We were able to add a few things with the changes. First, Bungie Help tweets are now free (I was originally paying another service monthly for that) so now I can keep the $3/month I was paying for that. Bungie Help tweets, TWAB, Community Focus, and Tech Blogs will now all post in #destiny-chat. Second, when you schedule an event it will now make a text channel for people that sign up that only they can see. This will hopefully prevent people from pinging an entire LFG role to alert 5 people of something, and will alleviate the issue caused by the bot and Discord threads not meshing. Sorry non-US folks but its an either/or setting for Date, and we are sticking with MM/DD. The new events should now post in chronological order moving forward but current events will still be where they are posted. You can also select the number of Guardians you need for your activity right at the start! (if you've got 2 IRL friends for a raid and only need 3 people, you can select that from the start - just don't pick a specific activity and you can modify the number of Guardians needed!)

-an addendum to our Day 1 King's Fall completions - there were a few more members we were alerted to who also cleared contest mode: InIt4TheSprtBlm (#6570) as well as JordyWardyy and CapDrSmile (#8470). An extra note for King's Fall raids - the Controlled Dunks triumph is currently busted, and the rotating challenge modes are not available to complete yet. Keep this in mind as you schedule your events and posts. 

-The seasonal story rolls on at reset. Continue the plundering (I ran out of steam this week to keep up with the pirate nonsense) and pirating. YARRRR. A special note that today is the 5th anniversary of Destiny 2's release!. Crazy to think that 5 years ago we lost the light to Ghaul and persevered through the Red War. For those of us that were there, the Red War is a great memory and started the sequence of events leading us into Lightfall and Final Shape. I'll see you out there dunking on Oryx and erupting in the Crucible - cheers! 
