This Week At Folie a Deux

-This Week At Truth, we're continuing the French-theme with the Paris Olympics having kicked off. Folie a deux is actually a psychiatric disorder (and aptly the name of the new Joker movie coming out this fall) and sometimes it feel like we all might be a little sick in the head to continue loving and playing this game, but that's what makes us great, isn't it? 

-The second week of 'all Salvation's Edge challenges being active' is this week, and continues through reset on August 6th. The Nightfall and GM is Exodus Crash. Bonus Vanguard ranks and rewards from Nightfalls as well. Momentum Control and Showdown are the Crucible rotators. Trio stuff is Last Wish raid, Spire of the Watcher dungeon, and Starcrossed exotic mission. 

-This week continues the seasonal story and the third piece of the Act II arc. Keep exploring those Battlegrounds and uncovering the Conductor's plan in our seasonal channel. 

-The latest TWID gave us a look at a lot of PvP changes coming, tuning to the Exotic class item drops, and the return of attunement to Brave Arsenal weapons, all of which is coming in the big early-August update. 

-Well that's the news this week. This will be the last TWAT from me for a couple weeks as I'll be away for a good chunk of August. Someone, maybe even the almighty 8-ball, will be taking over until I return. Time to get some challenges done! Cheers!
