This Week At Flamekeepers!
-This Week At Truth, we enter the second week of Solstice. Continue collecting your Silver leaves, throw them in the Bonfire Bash (make sure you've got all your gear on!) to get some Ash and upgrade that armor for some awesome stats. Get weapons and more loot along the way too!
-According to last week's TWID, we should be getting a Developer Insight article this week, focusing on the economy changes coming to Masterworking pieces, as well as the ritual weapons coming next season.
-Thanks to all who participated and donated to the Bungie Day Giving Festival, the community raised just over $1 Million these past few weeks - an excellent effort by all involved, especially our very own Shua Verde.
-Lightblade is the GM and Nightfall this week. Hope you like moths! Wendigo GL3 is the weapon to earn. Zone Control and Momentum Control are the rotator for Crucible. Vault of Glass is the pinnacle raid with Shattered Throne as the pinnacle dungeon.
-We are 1 month away from the Destiny showcase and Season 22 - expect a lot more information to be fed out over the next few weeks leading up to that (hoping for a raid announcement before the 22nd). In the meantime, still have 2 weeks of Solstice to enjoy before we finish up the season. If you're taking time off and playing other games or enjoying your summer, keep at it! If you're still grinding away now is a great time in the season to catch up on things in game or even help out your fellow clanmates with some runs. See you 'round the bonfire, Guardians!