This Week At Echoes!

-This Week At Truth, we are recapping one heck of a launch week that had its fair share of ups and downs, and looking forward to what's coming today with Echoes, Exotic Class Items, and more!

-While Tuesday didn't go as planned due to the server issues, and we know many people were disappointed in how the first 12 hours shook out, we appreciate how everyone handled it and made the most of the positive things that we could once everything settled out!

-The Final Shape campaign, the Pale Heart Destination, Salvation's Edge raid, and the culminating Excision mission all made an impact on me. I was thrilled to experience it all and hope you all were too. So let's look at what's next on the list.

-While we didn't have any clan teams conquer the contest mode of Salvation's Edge (and if you tuned into any streams, you saw why), the raid is open and now is a great time to dive in and learn! This raid is mechanic heavy so be ready to not just sit back and clear adds, but I can tell you the earlier you try and get in, learn the mechanics, and make the most of the time in the raid, the better off you'll be. We are keeping the #salvations-edge-discussion channel around for another week just because a lot of people have been unable to dive in yet, once we get some good visual guides and more people can dive into it we will make a shift.

-It's important to remember that this raid is brand new and everyone is still learning strategies and mechanics, as well as the changes to normal raids to be -5 power delta and include surges meaning raids are going to be a little tougher than before. Be patient with your team and don't get offended if teams are still trying to figure things out and not offering helps right away. We've got a long season and year of raiding ahead of us!

-Our first episode, Echoes, begins today at reset. Uncover the mysteries that result from the epic clash of The Final Shape campaign, get some new seasonal armor and loot as well as a new 3-person offensive assault activity Breach Executable. A reminder of the timetable: episodes have 3 acts each lasting approximately 6 weeks. Each new act will add 50 season pass levels and a row to the artifact. With Echoes launching, this means it is seasonal content and should go in the story/seasonal channel #finnish-the-fight

-Bungie also gave us a look at all of the Episodes this year, as well as a sneak peak at Year 11 calling it "New Frontiers" so we will stay tuned as more information eventually comes out relating to that. 

-Exotic Class Items will also be in game starting today - check out this TWID from May with more details on that. They will drop from a new activity and be farmable, so keep that in mind as you hunt down your favorite rolls. 

-There was no "Next Week In Destiny" post in-game. Once that is known it will be shared in Discord, but as of now we are unsure. Nightfall should be Warden of Nothing, and I believe raid is Garden of Salvation and the exotic mission is Presage. But that will all be confirmed in-game at reset.

-If you feel overwhelmed because you haven't been able to dive into everything yet fear not! It's a long Episode, and there's plenty of time to dive in AND there's not better time for returning players to come back. We hope to see you out there - cheers!
