This Week At Best Class Competition (No, It Isn't Gym Class)
-this week, Guardian Games returns: may the best class win. I am always Team Warlock, but to assist all of our discord members in some Guardian Games shenanigans, you can ping specific class roles in Hunter, Titan or Warlock in Discord when wanting to group up. You can add those roles in the #role_assign channel and remove them after the event if you'd like. Check out the new trailer that just dropped this morning
-Guardian Games comes with some similar things to last year like the podiums and medallions mechanics, completing Contender Cards and Platinum cards to earn medallions is how you'll score for your team. There's new strike scoring and torches to light in the Tower, to make your individual contributions feel more meaningful, and give your fireteam a chase item to win in that clean new emblem. Plus, there's a new sub-archetype SMG to earn called The Title - the full breakdown of Guardian Games rewards and procedures can be found in last week's TWAB
-we crossed another milestone in Discord with 1,100+ members now, leading us to hundreds of active members each week. Thank you to all the members and the @admin team who help make this possible. We are also opening up submissions for fastest times of Vow of the Disciple on the Hall of Fame page on the website. If you have/plan any submission, be sure to send it to the admins and ensure that your run is streamed/recorded for validity as well as a Raid Report/link to the Charlie post for the run. Happy hunting!
-Fallen SABER is the Nightfall (to be honest I'm so confused by the weapon rotation. Its either Hothead of Plug/Pali combo? We'll see). Bonus Trials ranks this weekend, and this week is the final opportunity to play Momentum Control for the seasonal stuff. Exhibition challenge is the rotating one this week for Vow of the Disciple - good luck to the teams looking to knock it out on Master and chasing the seal.
-Hotfix today before reset so keep an eye out for downtime/patch notes.
-More shameless plugs for charity. Thanks to those who have already started donating - any amount helps, $20+ donations enter you in a raffle for a Nintendo Switch OLED, and there's still a chance to delete FT from the clan. Click this link to donate and support the kids of St. Jude!
-That's the buzz this week. Get cracking with 3 weeks remaining, plenty of time to relax and prep for next season's stuff, grind out a Guardian Games victory for your top class, chase loot, finish triumphs, and everything in between. Cheers