This Week At Act Three
-This Week At Truth, Act Three for this Episode is here! We've got a quick summary of what to expect and what you should know before diving in. "Naught's had, all's spent, where our desire is got without content"
-We know we've got more story coming involving The Conductor and our efforts to foil her plans, the Encore exotic mission coming with the new Choir of One special ammo void auto rifle to hunt down, and the rest of the seasonal weapons (Speleologist solar machine gun and Chronophage void trace rifle, plus the return of Martyr's Retribution solar wave-frame grenade launcher) to earn. Quest steps and seasonal stuff goes in the #bach-violin-concerto-chat channel to keep the rest of everything spoiler free. You can use the @Exotic Missions ping for help finding a team for Encore. "It will have blood, they say: blood will have blood"
-The new row of artifact perks is very Auto Rifle focused, which should make the new exotic as well as Khovstov feel exceptional. Autos are getting perks for overload champ mod, damage resistance through sustained fire, and auto-reload and damage boost through kills with these new mods. There's also a reduced cost to Charged Up coming as well as Shock and Awe returning with an added feature of working on Prismatic. "To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus."
-The weekly tool-tip seems gone, so I'm working of what I can find. Nightfall and GM should be SABER (.....again) with Shadow Price as the weapon. Crucible rotators are unknown so wait and see. Trio things consist of Vow of the Disciple raid, Grasp of Avarice dungeon, and Avalon exotic mission. "Then comes my fit again. I had else been perfect. Now I am bound in to saucy doubts and fears"
-I hope you have appreciated this Shakespearean TWAT and enjoy your Act Three goodness this week. Cheers!